Beach Girls

I am a beach lover, which would be difficult for you NOT to know if you have ever met me, read my blogs, or passed me on a highway headed south.

I have given birth to a beach girl, too.

We have an artistic sign at our home that states “Gone to the Beach”, and I have a sign in my office that says the same thing. I like to put it on my desk when I go on vacation. And my daughter and I like to hang the sign at home when we are beach bumming.

So today I got a big laugh when my daughter told me we needed to get a sign that reads, “Back from the Beach” to hang when we are home. You see, in her mind we are either “Gone to the Beach” or “Back from the Beach”. Clearly, the time spent between these trips just fills the days until we are beach bound once again.

I do love that child more every day. She is very much her mother’s daughter.


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Copyright Casey Simmons and S. Sloane Simmons. People who steal other people's words & thoughts are asshats. Don't be an asshat.