Peace on Earth

I have been wrestling with the issue of peace for over two weeks. Quietly and to myself in the few minutes of alone time I carved out of a rich and full life. At first I was troubled that I wasn’t doing enough to help find answers for the world at large as to why we don’t have peace that lasts in places that need it so desperately. This impulse to do more was brought to me by my inability to disregard the media. That same week, I listened to an article on KCUR about children in the Middle East – I truly forget what country and hate to lump them all together – where the children were talking about the ridicule they face on their walks to school and at school for having faith beliefs different from their peers and neighbors. Then I read an article online about Rush Limbaugh’s vitriolic “feelings” about Hillary Clinton’s beauty and power as is pertains to her job as Secretary of State, and then my head exploded.

I was not at peace in my soul.

I had an epiphany several years ago when I realized – possibly for the first time – that Casey and I were the “bosses” and no one was “workin’ for the man” any more – and never had been – at stuff. This whole small business ownership thing had put us in charge. We were the parents, the bosses, the leaders. No one was going to enter our lives anymore and tell us what to do. And for one fleeting moment I was scared. I knew I had been in a co-driver’s seat for a while, but the true meaning hit me hard that day. No longer would a parent of mine walk into the room I was playing in – while arguing with a sibling – and say, “That’s enough! Clean up this mess and be nice to each other right now.” And then to have us do so.

I wish to be Pollyanna-ish for one more moment and say that that’s what I wish we had in the world right now: someone we all listened to – and were maybe a wee bit scared of – that walked onto the world stage and said, “It’s time for you all to get along and find a way to play together. You’re locked into a long term relationship with each other – and this planet! – and you must find a way to separate church from state and find peace. And I mean right now!”

Just when I think the media is around to make me crazy and cause me to think too much, I read an article in National Geographic last night and felt peace jump out at me from the whooper swan you see here.

I gazed at this photo in silence and told myself that I will be finding more time in 2011 to continue working on causes and issues involving basic human rights, civil rights and financial empowerment for women and families. I will be one of those voices that says, “I’m a peacemaker, and I am at peace.”


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Copyright Casey Simmons and S. Sloane Simmons. People who steal other people's words & thoughts are asshats. Don't be an asshat.