
When you tear out TWO pages from the SAME magazine for an item you like, should it go to the top of your wish list?

When you tear out TWO pages from the SAME magazine for an item you like, should it go to the top of your wish list?

The tempting piece.


Elle Decor magazine page 30.
Elle Decor magazine page 58.

What was humorous to me was that I was going to write a blog about seeing this lovely piece in more than one magazine in the same month, when I realized that I had pulled it from the same magazine twice.

It doesn’t make it any less lovely or deserving. I think Elle Decor was right on target with the double billing. Maybe it means I need two?



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Copyright Casey Simmons and S. Sloane Simmons. People who steal other people's words & thoughts are asshats. Don't be an asshat.