
As I cursed my way to the bottom of the drawer that holds my handbags lamenting my bad fortune and forgetting just briefly how darn lucky I am to get to attend terrific parties, I happened upon this little number…

Several weeks ago I attended a charity event. The theme was elusive and when I asked around about what to wear, I was told “something sparkly” and “glittery”.

Easy. Black dress and whatever I owned in the way of rhinestone and crystal jewelry. The more, the merrier.

It was the final touch that I sensed I didn’t own. My clutches can run to bright colors but not sparkle, leather not beads.

As I cursed my way to the bottom of the drawer that holds my handbags lamenting my bad fortune and forgetting just briefly how darn lucky I am to get to attend terrific parties, I happened upon this little number. I didn’t remember inheriting it from my grandmother. It was simply perfect. Fully beaded in subdued black beads – some matte finish and some polished – it was going to be my co-pilot in charge of cell phone, credit card and Chapstick! It even sports a twisted silk strap, which I left curled inside.

As I went to pack it up, I found two things. A slim mirrored compact and a small black comb tucked inside the little satin pocket. Here she was again, my “be prepared” grandmother. That the mirror was a cosmetic counter giveaway was no surprise, as she loved visiting them when she made it “up to the big city”, but seldom made a purchase as she wasn’t a heavy cosmetics or perfume user.

Of course I neatly tucked them back into the pocket where they had surprised me. I have never used a pocket mirror in my life and yet couldn’t bear the thought of leaving it behind as I headed out to a party my grandmother would have loved. All glittery and very festive with lots of hugging and laughter, her stocks in trade.


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8 thoughts on “Surprise”

  1. My mother-in-law was cleaning out her closet where we found 4 clutch purses all of which contained a partial pack of Velamints.

  2. loved this post. I too have a little black beaded bag that was my mother,s. I used it for dances etc. when I was in college and highschool

    1. Sharon:

      Lucky us that the women we love had such amazing taste! Clutches live forever….

      Thanks for taking time to read our blog and for taking a few minutes to write a note. It is joyful to have you share a story back with me.

      Have a terrific week.


  3. What a wonderful story, and what a find to rejoice in, memories and all! Grandmas sure have it together!

    1. Vickie:

      She was an amazing woman and I truly miss her. Grandma’s rock!

      Thanks for reading our blogs and for taking time to comment. I am deeply touched.

      – sloane

  4. She was certainly a party girl. I will need to borrow that clutch sometime. And, I do use a pocket mirror 🙂

    1. Casey:

      She surely did! I went into the guest room tonight to get sheets and saw that this is the handbag she carried when we had their anniversary event at Californos!


      Thanks for reading my story.

      – sloane

      1. I remember that night so vividly. And, I always spend a little extra time looking at the photo when I bunk at your place.

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